Title: trainings of PEC members (I, II and III stage)
Goal: training of PECs’ head officials (chairman, deputy chairmen, secretary) on drawing up summary protocol of polling results, as well as instruction regarding other important functions to be performed on polling day
Target group: PECs head officials (chairman, deputy chairmen, secretary)
Implementation period: October 21 - 23, 2021
Training venue: 144 training locations within relevant DEC's operational territory
Participants’ statistics:
Prepared taking into account the data available during the training:
Number of head officials who had to attend I stage trainings - 5377 head officials from 1830 PECs
3726 head officials (69.3%) from 1830 PECs participated in the trainings, among them women - 3085 (78.5%), men - 641 (17.2%)
Detailed statistics of participants
Number of head officials who had to attend II stage trainings - 5375 head officials from 1830 PECs
3262 head officials (60.7%) from 1830 PECs participated in the trainings, among them women - 2733 (83.8%), men - 529 (16.2%)
Detailed statistics of participants
Number of head officials who had to attend III stage trainings - 5396 head officials from 1830 PECs
3190 head officials (59.1%) from 1830 PECs participated in the trainings, among them women - 2689 (84.3%), men - 501 (15.7%)