Title: authorial program in the field of Electoral Law for the students of high education institutions
Goal: enhancing necessary professional knowledge of partner university students in election law, developing their practical skills and civic awareness
Target group: bachelor degree students of law faculty, social sciences faculty and journalism faculty, from partner universities
Teaching modules: the concept of elections; types and periodicity of elections; electoral systems; Georgia’s election law sources and principles; electoral process and the institution in charge of the electoral process management; powers and rule of operation of the Election Administration of Georgia; electoral stakeholders; voter registration; pre-election campaign (agitation); legal support to holding pre-election campaign; funding elections; voting time and place; opening a polling station; procedures prior to polling; the voting process; closing a polling station; summarizing polling results; summarizing/determining polling and election results; electoral disputes; the president of Georgia elections; The Parliament of Georgia elections; local self-government and representative body-city assembly elections; self-governing city mayor (self-governing community executive officer) elections; referendum; plebiscite; Young people also received information about the election services offered by the Election Administration and the technological innovations that have recently been implemented in the election process. With participation of the students of law faculty simulated trials were held in universities.
Implementation period: Septembe 19, 2023 – February 20, 2024
Attendance statistics: 233 students from 4 partner universities took the training course (female – 145; male - 88).