On September 16, the Training Center has held a summarizing meeting with NGOs. Representatives of 19 NGOs present at the event presented a public report about grant projects implemented by them under the grant competition announced on February 3, 2017. Winning grant projects announced by the Training Center were aimed at promoting development of electoral capacity of the parties for the October 21, 2017 Local self-government elections.
Natia Zaalishvili, Training Center Director, opened the event. She spoke about the importance and currency of the direction determined under the grant competition. Meeting participants made presentations about implemented grant projects, reviewed results, challenges, upsides of grant projects, and identified initiatives.
Representatives of NGOs made a positive assessment of immediate involvement of the Training center in the process of training under the grant project. The Training Center provided contribution in the training of the parties representatives around the following modules: elections cycle and managing electoral operations (model and authorities of election administration); კ Polling day and polling process guidelines; credibility and security of elections, furthermore, the importance of supporting the training process with sign interpretation by the Training Center was noted.
2,276 representatives of 42 political parties participating in the project, including of 20 qualified and 22 non-qualified parties have taken the mentioned awareness-raising and educational program (follow the link for detailed statistics are available in Georgian).
The CEC and the Training Center will continue in the future supporting such projects that will support awareness and development of electoral culture of voters and electoral stakeholders.
Information about NGOs funded under the decision of the Grant Competition Commission under the grant competition announced on February 3, 2017
Competition topic – Enhancing electoral capacity of political parties for the 2017 Municipal Elections