The Guides and Posters prepared by the Center of Electoral Systems Development, Reforms and Trainings for the June 15, 2014 Georgia Local Self-Government Elections
The Center of Electoral Systems Development, Reforms and Trainings has prepared various training and awareness-raising aids for various individuals involved in the elections for the June 15, 2014 Georgia Local Self-government Elections.
To ensure the access to the training materials for ethnic minority voters and the NGOs focusing on ethnic minority groups the Center of Electoral Systems Development, Reforms and Trainings, in partnership with the UN Development Program (USAID) and the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) have additionally arranged for the translation of these materials to the Armenian and Azeri languages.
For the international organizations participating in elections, guidelines are available in the English language.
Please see the appended documents:
- The Manual for the members of district election commissions (GEO)
- The Manual for the members of district election commissions (ENG)
- The Manual for the members of precinct election commissions (GEO)
- The Manual for the members of precinct election commissions (ENG)
- The Manual for the members of precinct election commissions (GEO, ARM)
- The manual for the members of precinct election commissions (GEO, AZR)
- Polling day procedures (for interested parties) (GEO)
- Polling day procedures (for interested parties) (ENG)
- The manual for the lawyers of local self-governments (GEO)
- A quick reference poster for a voter (GEO)
- A quick reference poster for a voter (GEO, ARM)
- A quick reference poster for a voter (GEO, AZR)
- Quick reference directions for a precinct election commission chair (GEO)
- Quick reference directions for a precinct election commission chair (GEO, ARM)
- Quick reference directions for a precinct election commission chair (GEO, AZR)
- The powers of a precinct election commission secretary on a polling day (GEO)
- The powers of a precinct election commission secretary on a polling day (GEO, ARM)
- The powers of a precinct election commission secretary on a polling day (GEO, AZR)
- The functions of a member of a commission in charge of registering the voters (GEO)
- The functions of a member of a commission in charge of registering the voters (GEO, ARM)
- The functions of a member of a commission in charge of registering the voters (GEO, AZR)
- The functions of a member of a commission in charge of regulating the flow of the voters (GEO)
- The functions of a member of a commission in charge of regulating the flow of the voters (GEO, ARM)
- The functions of a member of a commission in charge of regulating the flow of the voters (GEO, AZR)
- The Functions of a member of a commission responsible for supervision of ballot boxes and special envelopes (GEO)
- The Functions of a member of a commission responsible for supervision of ballot boxes and special envelopes (GEO, ARM)
- The Functions of a member of a commission responsible for supervision of ballot boxes and special envelopes (GEO, AZR)
- The functions of a member of a commission in charge of carrying a mobile ballot box (GEO)
- The functions of a member of a commission in charge of carrying a mobile ballot box (GEO, ARM)
- The functions of a member of a commission in charge of carrying a mobile ballot box (GEO, AZR)