Training Programs

Civic and Voter Education Programs


Certification Exam of Election Administration Officials


Proactive Partnership with Stakeholders

EA Hosted Young People

The Central Election Commission (CEC) continues information meetings to promote youth involvement in electoral processes. To raise the electoral awareness of the youth, the CEC hosted beneficiaries of foster care and orphanage villages.

The CEC’s Chairperson Giorgi Kalandarishvili opened the meeting and spoke in detail about the importance of elections in the democratic development of the country and the electoral process. He also focused on electoral technologies and informed students about the pilot project, which involves the introduction of electronic technologies in the electoral process. According to Giorgi Kalandarishvili, such meetings significantly contribute to the interest and involvement of young people in the electoral process.

During the second part of the meeting, a mock election was held. Trainers of CEC’s Training Centre conducted the mock election. Young people as voters took part in the mock election. 

The meeting was held in cooperation with The Agency for State Care and Assistance for the (Statutory) Victims of Human Trafficking on May 3 at the CEC.