In order to ensure the trainings of PECs’ members for second round of October 2, 2021 Municipal Elections, the CEC’s Training Centre updated training concept and delivered relevant instructions to 144 trainers assigned to implement the training program.
Trainings for the members of 1830 PECs will be implemented in four stages, whereas three stages are intended for the PEC’s head officials and one stage is designed for other members of PECs.
It is worth to mention, that through the pilot project, several electoral procedures during second round of Municipal Elections in the N4 Krtsanisi electoral district will be implemented using electronic technologies. Therefore, members of PECs operating within this district will undergo profile training program in accordance with specific procedures designed for this pilot project.
Additionally, relevant trainings will be implemented for the members of the special groups of 8 election precincts established in the penitentiary institutions and for the members of special groups established to ensure the realization of electoral rights for voters temporarily residing in stationary-medical facilities and isolation (quarantine, self-isolation).
The trainings addressing the omissions identified in PECs’ activities through the first round of elections will be based on practical teaching. Within the updated training concept, the PECs’ head officials will undergo intensive training on the techniques of drawing up summary protocol of polling results on every stage of trainings. Furthermore, through relevant episodic stagings and other training formats, the training concept envisages thorough discussion and practical implementation of the PECs’ members other functions to be implemented on polling day.
It is important for the PECs’ members to actively attend and engage in trainings, in order to ensure growth of their working efficacy. The study process will be conducted in compliance with all recommendations related to the pandemic. Rapid tests will be available for the training participants at training locations.
Under the concept, the trainings will be implemented through the following period:
The detailed schedules will be published on the Training Centre’s and the CEC’s websites. All the updates to the schedule will be reflected immediately.