Information about trainings of the members of commissions established in exceptional circumstances
Under the auspices of the Central Election Commission of Georgia, in cooperation with the Center of Electoral Systems Development, Reforms and Trainings and the UNDP project “Credible and Sustainable Electoral Institutions and Processes” continue training program for the officials of EA, including trainings for the members of commissions established in exceptional circumstances.
Trainings consist of two stages:
I stage - training of full staff of the members of commissions established in exceptional circumstances (13 members) in the following issues:
- Composition and term of PEC
- Rule of selecting heads of PEC at the first session (role play)
- Authorities of PEC officials
- Pre-election activities of PEC
- Voting process
- Application/claims on the day of voting.
Accomplishment period: 23-25 September, 2012 (schedule)
II stage – practical training of full staff of the members of commissions established in exceptional circumstances (13 members) – simulating of voting.
Accomplishment period: 26-28 September, 2012 (Specific date, time and venue will be placed on the website of the center prior to II stage)
Center prepared the following materials for the members of commissions established in exceptional circumstances:
- E-learning program
- Practical exercises
- Materials necessary for voting simulation
On September 22 of this year, trainings were provided for the members of special group formed for accomplishing PEC functions, pursuant to #122/2012 Decree of CEC of Georgia, dated August 4, 2012 for the Elections of Georgian Parliament among Peace Battalions of the Georgian Armed Forces dislocated in Afghanistan.