The pilot electronic training program “Technique of Drawing up Summary Protocol of Polling Results” was developed within the cooperation between the CEC, the Training Centre and International Foundation of Electoral Systems (IFES).
The programs is aimed at strengthening professional knowledge and practical skills of PEC’s head officials (chairperson, secretary), responsible for drawing up the summary protocol, on the techniques of drawing up summary protocols of polling results.
Implementation of the project is intended in a pilot regime for October 2, 2021 elections, during the period of September 27-30. After having finished centralized, face-to-face trainings for PECs members, the PECs’ head officials will have an opportunity to check their knowledge about drawing up summary protocols by using the electronic program as an additional resource.
The informational meeting with the chairpersons of all 73 DECs was held on September 24 in online format on. Natia Zaalishvili, the Training Centre director and Ketevan Maisuradze, head of IFES Georgian representation delivered opening remarks and emphasized the importance of the program oriented on strengthening practical skills, in order to support PECs in effective implementation of their activities.
The pilot project is implemented with the organizational support from the DECs. In order to undergo through the electronic program the PECs’ head officials will have an access to relevant computer techniques (DEC’s buildings and other relevant spaces).