Training Programs

Civic and Voter Education Programs


Certification Exam of Election Administration Officials


Proactive Partnership with Stakeholders

Courses for Electoral Administrators – for Potential Members of Precinct Election Commissions was Ended

On December 19, 2019 second stage of the “Courses for Electoral Administrators – for Potential Members of Precinct Election Commissions” was ended.

The project was aimed to identify and develop qualified potential electoral administrators’ staff. Within the framework of the three-day training program, developed by the Training Centre, the participants got aquatinted with the voting day procedures and the issues within the competence of the precinct election commission in the format of practical training.

First stage of the training project was implemented in 64 municipalities through the period of September 25 – October 25, 2019, 7746 persons took part in the project. In the second stage, the training project covered 8 municipalities and the number of participants was 610. In total 8356 participants were trained who were awarded the relevant certificates.

The CEC and the Training Center have been implementing the training project since 2015. To the date, 20147 participants have taken the "Election Administrator Courses - for Potential Members of Precinct Election Commissions".