As part of the grants contest announced by the Training Center on June 25, 2019, at the decision of the Competition Committee, 29 local NGOs were funded, for the following direction: Voter Education for the Development of Electoral and Civic Culture.
The Contest is aimed at the motivation of the local NGO sector for implementing the projects aimed at the development of electoral and civic culture in the society and envisages implementation of awareness raising/training program and raising awareness of citizens by funded local NGOs on such topics as: the history of elections of Georgia and the modern period (the setup of the state and the formation of elective bodies), active citizenship and the importance of participating in the management of the country through elections, electoral rights and exercising those rights, gender equality in elections, inclusive elections (the engagement of vulnerable groups in the electoral process), electoral security, the role of electoral stakeholders for democratic elections, other matters for promoting elections and enhancing civic responsibility.
In coordination with winning NGOs, the Electoral Administration will provide contribution as part of which representatives of DECs will deliver trainings to the beneficiaries of winning NGO’s grant projects. The above-mentioned cooperation is aimed at raising citizens’ electoral awareness and the delivery of information thereof about the following topics: guiding principles for democratic electoral process (including vote secrecy); voters’ participation at various stages of the electoral process and mechanisms for exercising electoral rights (including checking oneself in the Voters’ list, using a mobile ballot box, participating in the voting process at a PEC); the functions and role of the Electoral Administration and other stakeholders for ensuring voters’ personal data protection; available channels of communication between the Electoral Administration and citizens; the Program will also focus on the amendment of the Election Code and citizens will be acquainted with the essence and key characteristics of the proportional electoral system.
The funded grant projects will be implemented from September 25 – November 25, 2019, and will cover all regions of Georgia.
Follow the Link (available in Georgian) for information about NGOs funded at the decision of the Selection Committee