Training Programs

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Certification Exam of Election Administration Officials


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Members of “Youth Empowerment Lab” Visited Election Administration

On May 16, the open day was held at the Election Administration (EA). Tamar Zhvania, the CEC Chairperson met with members (students of various higher education institutions are members of the laboratory) of Youth Empowerment Lab, founded by the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES). Ms Zhvania talked about the importance of the elections, the role of the voter in the election process, innovative services of Election Administration (EA) and educational projects.

“It is very pleasant that the young generation is interested in the election process and the work of the EA, but first of all, I wish, more and more young people come not only to the EA but also directly participate in the electoral process, be present where the decisions are being made and the country is developing” – noted Tamar Zhvania.

Within the framework of the event, the representatives of the CEC Training Center conducted seminar “Informed Young Voter” on the core aspect of the elections and the role of voters in the election process. In the frames of the seminar, the mock election was also organized. During mock election, young people practiced all the stages that the voter goes at the election precinct on the Election Day. At the end of the meeting, students visited the historical photo exhibition on election topic and the CEC library.