Title: Training DECs in reporting
Goal: Introducing reporting rule and report format structure, as well as plan of implementing campaign “Speak to Voters” to DEC leadership (Chairperson and deputy chairperson)
Target group: Leadership (chairperson and deputy chairperson) of DECs and CEC regional coordinators
Training modules: Rule of reporting and report form structure, plan of implementing awareness-raising campaign – Speak to Voters
Implementation period: May 1 – 10, 2018
Training venue: Tbilisi (the CEC building), Senaki, Batumi and Kutaisi DECs
Statistics: 143 participants took the training, including 95 - male, 48 - female
Additional information: http://electionreforms.ge/eng/list/show/2338-treningi-angarishgebis-shesakheb-saolqo-saarchevno-komisiebistvis