Training Programs

Civic and Voter Education Programs


Certification Exam of Election Administration Officials


Proactive Partnership with Stakeholders

Training Course within the Format of Law Clinic “Election Law of Georgia” has finished

Implementation the regular training course within the format of Law Clinic - “Election Law of Georgia” has finished.

The teaching course, aimed at the enhancement of necessary professional knowledge of students in electoral law, development of their practical skills and raising civic awareness among the students of Higher Education Institutions, was implemented in 4 stages, (stage I – increasing theoretical and practical knowledge; stage II – distance learning; stage III – role-playing games; stage 4 – final examination).

The course was held in the period of  March 16 - June 15, 2017. 25 students from Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Sokhumi State University and Caucasus University participated in the training, among them 17 women and 8 men.