Training Programs

Civic and Voter Education Programs


Certification Exam of Election Administration Officials


Proactive Partnership with Stakeholders

Talking to Voters

“Talking to Voters” is a new initiative of the CEC of Georgia and the Training Centre, which aims at holding meetings between District Election Commissions (DEC) and voters all over Georgia. Field meetings are being conducted in stages in each municipality. Representatives of DECs hold meetings with voters at the places of public gathering in municipalities and in villages. DEC representatives deliver information about the 2017 Municipal Elections and Election Administration to the voters, distribute informational cards about the municipal elections and discuss electoral rights with voters as well as share their opinions.

Opinions of citizens regarding electoral processes are essentially important for the EA and for improving the services suggested by the EA. Voters may fill out the special opinions’ cards upon their will and within its competence the EA will consider their suggestions in its activities.

During the field meetings DEC representatives also invite citizens to the public informational meetings, scheduled to be held in May at the District Election Commissions.  At the meetings, citizens will have an opportunity to receive more detailed information about elections and activities of the Election administration; they will receive information on the activities implemented for ensuring accessible election environment, where voters have possibility to exercise civil duty.

“Even Closer” is a new slogan for the new initiative, which considers more direct and effective communication between the EA and voters, which represents one of the significant objectives of the project along with informing voters.

The field meetings organized by the Election Administration aim at raising awareness of voters about their electoral rights as well as about activities implemented for ensuring effective management of election processes. The project promotes voters’ confidence that they can always apply to the relevant District Election Commissions for assistance in election related issues.

"Talk to Voters" - Concept

Schedule of Activities - Available only in Georgian language (Tentative Schedule)

Informational leaflet on Municipal Elections (available in Georgian language)

Informational leaflet on Municipal Elections (available in Azerbaijanian language)

Informational leaflet on Municipal Elections (available in Armenian language)