Informational - Training Materials Developed for October 2, 2021 Elections
For October 2, 2021 Municipal Elections The CEC and The Training Centre developed relevant informational - training resources, which is intended for the parties involved in the election process to provide the promotion of their awareness for the purpose of effective management of their activities.
Distant informational-training course (available in Georgian) "Polling Day Procedures" posted on the e-learning platform and available on the CEC and Training Center websites allows users to get detailed information on issues such as: opening of the polling station and procedures to be carried out before the start of voting; polling process; protection of voters’ personal data during the polling process; legal status of persons authorized to be present at the polling station; closing the polling station, the vote counting process and the video recording rule of this process; summarizing the voting results in the PEC; polling day applications/complaints; regulations for photo-video shooting in the polling station; regulations related to holding elections through the pandemic. The test assignments integrated in the program creates the additional resource for the users to test their knowledge.
In addition to the distant training course, the CEC and the training center prepared various informational-training materials for the interested persons. In cooperation with the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) the materials were translated in ethnic minorities’ languages.
In order to support informing of the representatives of international observers on electoral issues, the Training Centre also ensured translation of guidelines developed for October 2, 2021 Elections in English language.
Informational-training materials are available at the following links:
- Guidelines for the Members of District Election Commission (GEO)
- Guidelines for the Members of District Election Commission (ENG)
- Guidelines for the Member of Precinct Election Commission (GEO)
- Guidelines for the Members of Precinct Election Commission (AZR)
- Guidelines for the Members of Precinct Election Commission (ARM)
- Guidelines for the Member of Precinct Election Commission (ENG)
- Polling day procedures (GEO)
- Polling day procedures (ENG)
- Guidelines for the Member of Precinct Election Commission - In Order to Carry Out Some Election Procedures by Electronic Means in N4 Krtsanisi Electoral District For October 2, 2021 Elections
(GEO) - Guideline for PEC Chairperson (GEO)
- Guideline for PEC Chairperson (AZR)
- Guideline for PEC Chairperson (ARM)
- Authorities of PEC Secretary on Polling Day (GEO)
- Authorities of PEC Secretary on Polling Day (AZR)
- Authorities of PEC Secretary on Polling Day (ARM)
- Functions of PEC Member Acting as the Regulating the Flow of Voters (GEO)
- Functions of PEC Member Acting as the Regulating the Flow of Voters (AZR)
- Functions of PEC Member Acting as the Regulating the Flow of Voters (ARM)
- Functions of PEC Member Acting as the Registrar of Voters (GEO)
- Functions of PEC Member Acting as the Registrar of Voters (AZR)
- Functions of PEC Member Acting as the Registrar of Voters (ARM)
- Functions of PEC Member Acting as the Supervisor of Ballot Box and Special Envelopes (GEO)
- Functions of PEC Member Acting as the Supervisor of Ballot Box and Special Envelopes (AZR)
- Functions of PEC Member Acting as the Supervisor of Ballot Box and Special Envelopes (ARM)
- Functions of PEC Member Responsible for Transporting the Mobile Ballot Box (GEO)
- Functions of PEC Member Responsible for Transporting the Mobile Ballot Box (AZR)
- Functions of PEC Member Responsible for Transporting the Mobile Ballot Box (ARM)
- Training Module for PEC Members Security of Elections (GEO)
- Training Module for PEC Members Security of Elections (AZR)
- Training Module for PEC Members Security of Elections (ARM)
- Poster Depicting the Voting Procedure and Epidemiological Protocol at the Polling Station (GEO)
- Poster Depicting the Voting Procedure and Epidemiological Protocol at the Polling Station (AZR)
- Poster Depicting the Voting Procedure and Epidemiological Protocol at the Polling Station (ARM)
- Poster for Stakeholders on Sanitary-Hygienic Requirements in Order to Prevent the Spread of the New Coronavirus Infection, when Entering/Leaving the Polling Station and Staying/Moving in the Building (GEO)
- Poster for Stakeholders on Sanitary-Hygienic Requirements in Order to Prevent the Spread of the New Coronavirus Infection, when Entering/Leaving the Polling Station and Staying/Moving in the Building (AZR)
- Poster for Stakeholders on Sanitary-Hygienic Requirements in Order to Prevent the Spread of the New Coronavirus Infection, when Entering/Leaving the Polling Station and Staying/Moving in the Building (ARM)
- Poster Depicting Photo-Video Shooting at the Polling Station (GEO)
- Poster Depicting the Rule of Sealing the Election Documentation (GEO)
- Poster Depicting the Rule of Sealing the Election Documentation (AZR)
- Poster Depicting the Rule of Sealing the Election Documentation (ARM)
- Poster Depicting the Voting Procedure and Epidemiological Protocol at the Polling Station for the Pilot Project in N4 Krtsanisi DEC (GEO)