Information about election administration officers certification exams
From September 26, 2015, certification examinations of election administration officers will be launched.
The objective of certification is to determine the knowledge of election legislation and general skills of citizens of Georgia, to subsequently select highly qualified election administration officers.
Certification exams will be administered by the Center of Electoral Systems Development, Reforms and Trainings (the Training Center).
The rule of registration for certification exams:
Registration of individuals willing to take an exam will be performed from September 3, 2015 through September 20, 2015, until 24:00, electronically, on the following address:
For electronic registration, the following field shall be filled out:
- surname, first name
- personal number (according to a citizen of Georgia identity card/citizen of Georgia passport)
- date of birth
- address (according to place of registration; in case of an internally displaced person – according to actual address)
- gender
- contact details – telephone, e-mail (optional)
At the time of registration, an applicant is able to select the date and time for the exam, at his/her discretion.
Upon sending a completed e-application, an applicant will automatically receive registration confirmation notification (by indicating registration number, date, time and place of an exam).
Applicants can also apply the Training Center Certification Exam Secretariat for registration for the exam, from September 3, 2015 through September 20, 2015, from 10:00 am to 20:00 pm, at the following address: 13th km., D. Aghmashenebeli Alley, Tbilisi (Including weekends). Citizen of Georgia ID card or a citizen of Georgia passport has to be presented at the Secretariat.
The rule of holding the certification exam:
Upon arrival for the certification exam a participant has to carry a citizen of Georgia ID card or a citizen of Georgia passport.
Exam is administered via electronic testing. Exam duration is 1 hour. 30 exam tests will be randomly selected; the tests comprise:
- from the Constitution of Georgia - 6 questions
- from the Organic Law of Georgia Election Code of Georgia – 17 questions
- from general aptitude (math part) – 5 questions
- from general aptitude (verbal part) – 2 questions
Correct answer to each exam test is rated with 1 point. A participant has to get 24 points in order to pass. If he/she gets a passing score such participant will be given a certificate at the exam location.
The certification exam tests (Available in Georgian) are publicly available and have been published on official web pages of the CEC and the Training Center (;
Published exam tests will be used without alteration for administering certification exams (in the math tests part, numbers are changed for the exam).
Publicity of the certification exam
To ensure publicity of the certification exam process, accredited local NGOs and international organizations representatives will be admitted as observers.
For accreditation, interested organizations should apply to the Training Center Certification Exam Secretariat from September 3, 2015 through September 20, 2015, from 10:00 am to 20:00 pm, at the following address: 13th km, D. Aghmashenebeli Alley, Tbilisi.
No more than three observers can be admitted at the exam hall (just one observer from the same organization will be allowed in the examination hall, except for the case when just one organization passed accreditation). Considering the number of accredited observers, on September 23, 2015 a casting of votes can be held in order to determine the sequence of admitting observers into the exam hall.
For additional information contact us at:
261 21 11; 599 95 83 83 – contact person Zurab Luashvili (Head, Certification and Projects Management Department)