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Republic of Moldova Election Administration Training Centre Representatives got acquainted with the experience of Georgian Election Training Centre

On March 12, 2025, the LEPL Centre for Electoral Systems Development, Reforms and Training within the framework of continuous cooperation, held a working meeting with the representatives of the Republic of Moldova Election Administration Training Center.

Director of the Georgian Training Centre Natia Zaalishvili opened the event. She emphasized the importance of sharing experiences among electoral training institutions, which contributes to the effective implementation of educational projects to ensure the improvement of electoral processes.

Doina Bordeianu, Director of the Training Centre of the Republic of Moldova Election Administration, noted that it is essential for them to get acquainted with the perennial professional practice of the Georgian Election Training Centre. She thanked Natia Zaalishvili, Director of the Georgian Election Training Center for the fruitful cooperation, which made a significant contribution to the institutional strengthening of the Training Center of the Republic of Moldova. As noted at the meeting, according to the Venice Commission and the Council of Europe Code of Good Practice, electoral education and the institutionalization of training centers operating in this area play a crucial role in conducting elections that meet international standards.

The topic discussed at the workshop was "Digitalization of Reporting System and its Impact on the Training Process Organization-Management”. Representatives of the Georgian Election Training Centre shared with the meeting participants the structure of the electronic training reporting program implemented in the agency and the practical aspects of its utilization (uploading-publishing election training program schedules, systematization-processing of statistical data, consolidation of data for training program evaluation).

On March 12, the working meeting between election training centers was held in a remote format. The event was held with the support of the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), Republic of Moldova. Representatives of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) also participated in it.