Training Programs

Civic and Voter Education Programs


Certification Exam of Election Administration Officials


Proactive Partnership with Stakeholders

Open Door Day at CEC

Open door day was held for the participants of the educational project of the organization "Good Governance Institute" at Central Election Commission (CEC).

Giorgi Sharabidze, CEC Deputy Chairperson talked about the importance of the elections to participants of the project titled "My voice is decisive".

Mr Sharabidze informed young people about the first universal democratic elections, spoke about the services offered by the election administration to the voters and stressed the role of voters in electoral processes.

Young people visited the photo exhibition, which reflects the history of elections in Georgia. The mock election was held specifically for meeting participants. The Training Center provided the youth with detailed information on voting procedures and voters' rights. Representatives of CEC Training Centre gave comprehensive information to young people on vote counting procedures and voters’ rights.