Training Project Election Administrator’s Courses Schedule
From May 14 to June 2, 2018, the CEC and the Training Center will implement the training project Election Administrator’s Courses at all municipalities throughout Georgia.
Participants registered for the training project at relevant DECs from April 10 through April 20, 2018.
DEC members trained by the Training Center and Election Administration trainers will deliver the training courses. They have been briefed respectively during April 23 to May 10, 2018 period, as part of working meetings conducted in regions.
The training course will be implemented in stages, from May 14 to June 2:
Stage 1: 14.05.18 - 21.05.18
Stage 2: 21.05.18 - 28.05.18
Stage 3: 28.05.18 - 01.06.18
Trainings schedule will be published on the Training Center website. See Stage 1st Schedule (available in Georgian).