Training Programs

Civic and Voter Education Programs


Certification Exam of Election Administration Officials


Proactive Partnership with Stakeholders

The Association of European Election Officials’ (ACEEEO) Conference in Bulgaria

Natia Zaalishvili, Director of the Training Center of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of Georgia and Tamar Shukakidze, Head of the CEC Human Resources Management Department participated in the 26th annual conference organized by the Association of European Election Officials (ACEEEO). The event was held on November 8-10, 2017 in Sophia, Bulgaria.

Conscious voters in the digital age, the role of the election management bodies (EMBs) in the flow of the information, the free electoral campaign, and new ways of voter information – were major topics discussed during the conference.

Director of the CEC Training Center delivered a presentation on the mechanisms to increase voter awareness. In addition, Natia Zaalishvili singled out the importance of raising electoral awareness of voters to ensure credibility towards electoral processes. Ms Zaalishvili shared the experience of Georgian EMB and its Training Center in terms of implemented informational-learning programmes as well as the services offered through modern technologies.

Representatives of election administrations from different European countries and various international organizations, as well as international experts and companies oriented on electoral technologies participated in the event.