Public Action “Find Yourself, Find Your Election Precinct”
In the framework of the public action -“Find Yourself, Find Your Election Precinct”, today, the employees of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of Georgia and its Training Center were offering citizens to verify their data in the unified list of voters through quick payment terminals at Rustaveli Avenue.
Voters may verify their and their family members data through the innovative services suggested by the CEC, namely, the CEC webpage (, smart phones, tabs and 9 500 quick payment terminals located throughout the country. While verifying the personal data in the voter list, a user will also receive the information about the location of the polling station.
From August 22, including today, 265 472 citizens have been using the mentioned services.
Members of the District Election Commissions (DEC) have already joined the informational campaign and hold meetings gradually with voters throughout the country. Representatives of all 73 DECs will meet citizens at the places of public gathering in municipalities and villages and assist them to verify their personal data in the voters’ list through the modern technologies, as well as they will provide citizens with additional information on the upcoming 2017 Elections and their electoral rights.
The Election Administration reminds citizens that the deadline for requesting amendments to the unified list of voters is October 3.