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Information Campaign of Election Administration - ''Find Yourself - Find Your Election Precinct''

Election Administration (EA) continues voters' awareness campaign for the 2017 Municipal Elections and reminds citizens that the deadline for requesting the amendments to the voters’ list is October 3.

In order to inform the voters, employees of the CEC and the Training Center have already started implementing the second stage of the informational project “Talk to Voters”. The main goal of the project is to inform citizens and support their engagement in the information campaign - "Find Yourself - Find Your Election Precinct".

In the nearest few days, members of all 73 District Election Commissions will join the information campaign and hold meetings with voters throughout the country. DECs representatives will meet citizens at the places of public gathering in municipalities and villages and assist them to verify their personal data in the voters’ list through the modern technologies and also, DEC representatives will provide citizens with additional information on the upcoming 2017 Elections and their electoral rights.

Services suggested by the EA enable voters to verify their and their family members’ data in the voters’ list through the CEC web site (, smart phone, tabs and 9,500 quick payment terminals allocated throughout the country. While verifying the personal data in the voters’ list, a consumer will also receive the information about the location of the polling station.

The CEC has also introduced an important innovation this year; voters will be able to verify their data in the voters’ list through the smart phones and tablets suitable for iOS systems, except the application adjusted for “android” system.

It is worth noting that the voters’ list is available in Georgian, Azerbaijani and Armenian languages. In addition, blind voters will be able to verify their personal data through the adapted website.

Significant innovation was suggested by the EA to the deaf voters and voters with hearing impairments - they will receive information at the CEC Call Center in sign language through video call and they will be able to verify their personal data in the unified list of voters.

Voters will also be able to verify their data at the polling stations. According to the legislation, public version of the voters’ list will be posted at all polling stations no later than September 21.

In order to ensure participation of each citizen, authorized by legislation, in the upcoming Municipal Elections, we remind to the voters removed from the registration according to their place of residence, as well as the voters whose registration was invalidated by the Public Service Development Agency of the Ministry of Justice and to the citizens registered without an indication of address:

Above mentioned citizens shall apply to the Agency (the Public Service Halls) including September 14 and register according to their place of residence or indicate only the factual place of residence.

While registering, abovementioned citizens will benefit from certain privileges, including - specific categories of voters will be exempted from service taxes and they will receive detailed information about the issue at the agencies.