Training Programs

Civic and Voter Education Programs


Certification Exam of Election Administration Officials


Proactive Partnership with Stakeholders

Schedule of the Project “Courses for Electoral Administrators” (Second Stage)

From August 7, 2017, second stage of the awareness raising and training course "Electoral Administrator Courses – 2017" will be launched in all regions of Georgia. The course envisages raising civic awareness around electoral issues and facilitates the formation of qualified personnel for selecting professional staff by the electoral administration and electoral stakeholders.

Under the two-day training course, the participants will be acquainted with the powers of precinct election commissions, including:

  • procedures to be performed prior to polling;
  • polling process, closing a polling station;
  • procedures to be performed prior to opening a ballot box;
  • opening a ballot box;
  • procedures to be performed prior to drawing up polling results summarizing protocol;
  • Drawing up polling results summarizing protocol, publicity of the summarizing protocol.

The CEC and the Training Center have been implementing the Training Course since 2015.

Follow the link to view the Training Course Schedule in Georgian.