Training Programs

Civic and Voter Education Programs


Certification Exam of Election Administration Officials


Proactive Partnership with Stakeholders

Training Project ''Courses for Electoral Administrators'' have been Completed

"Courses for Electoral Administrators", CEC and the Training Center joint training and awareness raising project, has been completed. The training project was implemented from May 29 to June 26, 2017, in 63 municipalities of Georgia.

  Through the Project, the participants acquired knowledge of the following important topics:

  • guiding principles of the Election Administration employees, and the code of ethics;
  • overview of activities of members of precinct election commissions during the period up to the polling day;
  • the polling day;
  • drawing up polling results summary protocol, publicity of the summary protocol.

The project supports raising civic awareness around electoral issues and the development of qualified staff within the Election Administration.

A total of 2538 individuals were registered for the mentioned training, and 2178 participants took part in it. 

For detailed statistics, follow the link (available in Georgian).