Schedule of implementation of the training course ''Elections and Young Voters'' (I and II period: April 3-28)
From April 3, 2017, implementation of an awareness-raising and training course "Elections and Young Voters" launched for XI-XII grade students of 93 public schools located at 68 municipalities.
The poject is aimed at the enhancement of civic awareness among youth and promoting increased civic responsibility.
After taking the course, public schools students will became aware with such important issues as the history of elections and modern times, elections and democracy, electoral administration and electorate, other electoral stakeholders. At the completion of the course the students will hold mock elections, as part of which the winning slogan will be identified out of the slogans developed by the students for the promotion of healthy lifestyle.
The CEC and the Training Center are implementing the project at public schools, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Sciences.
Follow the link to view the schedule of the training course (Available in Georgian)