Training Programs

Civic and Voter Education Programs


Certification Exam of Election Administration Officials


Proactive Partnership with Stakeholders

The report of the International Election Observer Mission on Preliminary Findings and Conclusions

Excerpts from the Report:

  • “Elections were administered in a timely and professional manner, at every level. The operations of the CEC were transparent; it published decrees, orders, decisions and results of sessions on its website immediately, as well as held regular briefings and meetings with electoral stakeholders. All sessions of the CEC were open for observers, representatives of parties and mass media. Throughout this process, there was high trust towards the CEC among the participants of the electoral process.”
  • The CEC Center of Electoral Systems Development, Reform and Training conducted comprehensive trainings for members of district and precinct election commissions, in three stages. The trainings sessions observed by the OSCE/ODIHR Election Observer Mission had, in general, good attendance and was conducted in a professional and interactive manner. Moreover, the Center successfully held trainings on election related topics for vaious electoral stakeholders, among them, mass media representatives, local self-government officials, potential female candidates, representatives of electoral subjects, and civil society observer organizations.”
  • The CEC announced that 1,115 precincts were accessible and special booths had been installed for people in wheelchairs. Moreover, at every precinct there was a magnifying glass papers and frame forms for visually impaired voters.”
  • Voter education and awareness raising campaign of the CEC was well organized and comprehensive. Banners, print material, videos and internet content was used during the mentioned campaign. Videos contained messages around various aspects of the electoral process, and was available in minority and sign languages and was aired by private TV channels, as well as the Public Broadcaster.”

Follow the link to view the full report in Georgian: