International Electoral Symposium in Namibia
On June 12-15, 2016, at the invitation of the International Center for Parliamentary Studies and the Namibia Electoral Commission, representatives of the CEC and the Training Center visited Namibia, Swakopmund, to participate in 12th International Electoral Symposium.
Natia Zaalishvili, Training Center Director, made a presentation on the importance of trainings on electoral processes and shared with the Symposium participants experience about various training and educational programs implemented in Georgia that are directed at the enhancement of electoral culture of voters and other electoral stakeholders. Irakli Khorbaladze, CEC member spoke about funding of political parties and existing challenges.
The topics of sessions and discussions held as part of the event also focused on the following: ensuring accessible electoral environment for voters, improvement of electronic voting technologies, increasing transparency and accountability of elections, social media and operational technologies for effective and credible elections, modernization of the electoral process with minimum delays.
The Symposium was attended by international experts and specialists from various countries of the world, among them: Namibia, Cameroon, Kenya, Ghana, Mozambique, Burkina-Faso, Guyana Republic, Tanzania, India, Albania, Botswana, Lesotho, Canada, Romania, as well as representatives of various international organizations, among them, International IDEA, UNDP, The DELIAN project, etc.
Natia Zaalishvili, Training Center Director, in the capacity of the member of the International Electoral Competition Committee, also participated in workshops held on June 16-18, 2016 in Namibia. The workshops were focused on the issues of international electoral competition scheduled for December, 2016. The committee also includes representatives of the European Parliament, Venice Commission, OSCE, IFES and ICPS.