I and II Stage Trainings Attendance Statistics of Precinct Election Commissions’ Members – October 26, 2024 Elections
Title: retraining of Precinct Election Commissions’ (PEC) members (stage I and II)
Goal: promotion of strengthening of election administrators’ professional skills, adaptation to novelties and development of corporate culture, implementation of qualified service for stakeholders and voters, provision of inclusive election environment
Target group: 3031 PECs (PECs’ head officials and regular members)
Implementation period:
I stage: September 14-22, 2024
II stage: September 24 – October 2, 2024
Venue: operational territory of 73 District Election Commissions across Georgia
Attendance statistics:
I stage – target audience: PECs’ head officials (commission chairman, deputy chairman, commission secretary)
PECs, which conduct the polling process using electronic election machines
- Number of persons to be attended - 6789
- Number of attendees - 5846 (86%)
PECs, which conduct the polling process without using electronic election machines
- Number of persons to be attended - 2304
- Number of attendees - 1856 (81%)
II stage - target audience: PECs’ head officials (commission chairman, deputy chairman) and regular members (16 members from each commission)
PECs, which conduct the polling process using electronic election machines
- Number of persons to be attended - 36208
- Number of attendees - 22713 (63%)
PECs, which conduct the polling process without using electronic election machines
- Number of persons to be attended - 10752
- Number of attendees - 5469 (51%)
Additional information about the project: