Informational-Educational Resources Developed for the April 29, 2023 Extraordinary and By-elections
The CEC and the Training Centre are developing various informational-educational resources for the Extraordinary and By-Elections to be held on April 29, 2023.
In order to facilitate the informing of election commissions’ members and other involved parties about the novelties received within the framework of the election reform, appropriate guidelines were developed, where the procedures for holding voting process using electronic technologies and without using electronic technologies are discussed in profile.
As it is known, holding polling process using voter verification machine and special electronic machine for counting votes, is planned for the By-Elections of the Parliament of Georgia and Sakrebulo, as well as Extraordinary Elections of Mayors of Municipalities - at 117 polling stations created in 10 electoral districts. Polling will be held without the use of electronic technologies at 47 polling stations created in 4 election districts for the By-Elections of Georgian Parliament and Extraordinary Elections of Mayors.
According to the type and procedural specifics of the elections, the information and educational resources prepared by the CEC and the Training Centre for District and Precinct Election Commissions, voters and other stakeholders, are available at the following links:
- Guidelines for the members of District Election Commission for the April 29, 2023 By-Elections of Georgian Parliament (includes information on the issues belonging to the competence of the District Election Commission - to ensure the conduct of elections both with the use of electronic machines and without the use of electronic machines) GEO;
- Guidelines for the members of District Election Commission for the April 29, 2023 By-Elections of Municipality Sakrebulo and April 29, 2023 Extraordinary Elections of Municipality Mayors (includes information on the issues belonging to the competence of the District Election Commission - to ensure the conduct of elections both with the use of electronic machines and without the use of electronic machines) GEO;
- Guidelines for the member of Precinct Election Commission for the By-Elections of Georgian Parliament and Sakrebulo, for Extraordinary Elections of Municipalities Mayors – April 23, 2023 (intended for those polling stations where voting is conducted using electronic machines) GEO;
- Guidelines for the member of Precinct Election Commission for the By-Elections of Georgian Parliament and for Extraordinary Elections of Municipalities Mayors – April 23, 2023 (intended for those polling stations where voting is conducted without using electronic machines) GEO.
- Guideline for PEC Chairperson (intended for those polling stations where voting is conducted using electronic means) (GEO);
- Guideline for PEC Chairperson (intended for those polling stations where voting is conducted without using electronic means) (GEO);
- Guideline for PEC Secretary (intended for those polling stations where voting is conducted without using electronic means) (GEO);
- Guideline for PEC Member Regulating the Flow of Voters (intended for those polling stations where voting is conducted using electronic means) (GEO);
- Guideline for PEC Member Regulating the Flow of Voters (intended for those polling stations where voting is conducted without using electronic means) (GEO);
- Guideline for the PEC Member Acting as the Supervisor of Ballot Box, Special Electronic Vote Counting Machine and Special Frame-Envelopes (intended for those polling stations where voting is conducted using electronic means) (GEO);
- Guideline for the PEC Member Acting as the Supervisor of Ballot Box and Special Envelopes (intended for those polling stations where voting is conducted without using electronic means) (GEO);
- Guideline for PEC Member Responsible for Transporting the Mobile Ballot Box/for Special Group Members (intended for those polling stations where voting is conducted using electronic means) (GEO);
- Guideline for PEC Member Responsible for Transporting the Mobile Ballot Box (intended for those polling stations where voting is conducted without using electronic means) (GEO)
- Guideline for PEC Member Acting as the Registrar of Voters (intended for voting via using voter verification machine) (GEO);
- Guideline for PEC Member Acting as the Registrar of Voters (designed to continue voting without the use of voter verification machines) (GEO);
- Guideline for PEC Member Acting as the Registrar of Voters (intended for those polling stations where voting is conducted without using electronic means) (GEO);
- Poster for Voters (intended for those polling stations where voting is conducted using electronic means) (GEO);
- Poster for Voters (process of continuing voting without the use of voter verification machines is outlined) (GEO);
- Poster for Voters (intended for those polling stations where voting is conducted without using electronic means) (GEO);
- Poster Depicting the Rule of Sealing the Election Documentation (intended for those polling stations where voting is conducted using electronic means) (GEO);
- Poster Depicting the Rule of Sealing the Election Documentation (intended for those polling stations where voting is conducted without using electronic means) (GEO);
- Instructions to promot the independent participation of voters with disabilities in elections (intended for those polling stations where voting is conducted using electronic means) (GEO);
- Instructions to promot the independent participation of voters with disabilities in elections (intended for those polling stations where voting is conducted without using electronic means) (GEO);
- Training Module for PEC Members Security of Elections (GEO);
- Photo-video shooting at the polling station (GEO).
For the purposes of promoting an inclusive electoral environment, in cooperation with International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), informational and educational resources prepared for the Precinct Election Commissions, operating in the N41 Akhaltsikhe District Election Commission, for voters and other stakeholders, was translated into the language of ethnic minorities:
- Guidelines for the member of Precinct Election Commission for the By-Elections of Sakrebulo - April 23, 2023 (intended for those polling stations where voting is conducted using electronic machines) ARM;
- Guideline for PEC Chairperson (intended for those polling stations where voting is conducted using electronic means) ARM;
- Guideline for PEC Member Regulating the Flow of Voters (intended for those polling stations where voting is conducted using electronic means) ARM;
- Guideline for the PEC Member Acting as the Supervisor of Ballot Box, Special Electronic Vote Counting Machine and Special Frame-Envelopes (intended for those polling stations where voting is conducted using electronic means) ARM;
- Guideline for PEC Member Responsible for Transporting the Mobile Ballot Box/for Special Group Members (intended for those polling stations where voting is conducted using electronic means) ARM;
- Guideline for PEC Member Acting as the Registrar of Voters (intended for voting via using voter verification machine) ARM;
- Guideline for PEC Member Acting as the Registrar of Voters (designed to continue voting without the use of voter verification machine) ARM;
- Poster for Voters (intended for those polling stations where voting is conducted using electronic means) ARM;
- Poster for Voters (process of continuing voting without the use of voter verification machines is outlined) ARM;
- Poster Depicting the Rule of Sealing the Election Documentation (intended for those polling stations where voting is conducted using electronic means) ARM;
- Training Module for PEC Members Security of Elections (GEO).