On December 17 of this year, the Memorandum understanding has been signed between the International Center for Parliamentary Studies (ICPS) and LEPL Center for Electoral Systems Development, Reforms and Trainings.
Aim of the International Center for Parliamentary Studies (ICPS) is to provide effective management for the parliamentary, governmental and other interested institutions via supporting cooperation between the parties. Thus, for sharing the best practice, International Center for Parliamentary Studies shall provide educational programs, conferences and public discussions in European Union and Great Britain on international level.
The Memorandum includes cooperation for accomplishing various joint projects for developing democracy through the region, including: joint researches, joint international and observing missions, training tours and consulting in election field.
Cooperation includes elaboration of training programs by the International Center for Parliamentary Studies (ICPS) as on election issues, as well as other issues offered by interested parties. LEPL Center for Electoral Systems Development, Reforms and Trainings shall provide regional scale trainings.