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Georgia Election Administration Received Two International Awards

On December 5-6, 2017, based on the invitation from the International Centre for Parliamentary Studies (ICPS) and the Independent Election Commission of Jordan, the CEC and the Training Center representatives went to Jordan to participate in the 15th International Electoral Symposium.

Tamar Zhvania, CEC Chair, Giorgi Sharabidze, Deputy CEC Chair, Zurab Khrikadze, CEC member and Natia Zaalishvili, CEC Training Center Director took part in the Symposium.

The International Symposium focused on various relevant electoral matters; at the award ceremony held as part of the event, at the decision of the international award commission, winning electoral administrations were identified for various electoral nominations.

Georgia Election Administration received an award under two nominations – Citizen Engagement and Managing Election Conflicts. Election Administration won the Citizens Engagement Award for its project Talk to Voters. The project was implemented for 2017 Self-government Elections for raising voter awareness, enhancing communication between the election administration and voters and improvement of services offered to voters. The Election Administrations of Bulgaria, India and Botswana were among the finalists for the mentioned nomination.

the Election Administration of Georgia received the award for Election Conflicts Management for its activities directed at electoral security. The Project implemented for 2016 and 2017 elections in cooperation with the Ministry of Interior, envisaged coordination among relevant authorities and establishing secure electoral environment. Along with Georgia, the finalists for this nomination included Argentina, Afghanistan and Columbia.

International Awards Committee included representatives of the European Parliament, Venice Commission, OSCE, IFES and ICPS. Natia Zaalishvili, Training Center Director has been a member of the above-mentioned committee since 2014.

Up to 200 representatives from 45 countries took part in the international electoral award ceremony that has been held for several years organized by the ICPS as part of the international electoral symposium.

It should be noted that Georgia Election Administration won the international electoral award for the fourth time. The CEC Training Center received the first award in the nomination First Time Voter in 2013. In 2015, Election Administration won in the nomination Managing Elections, while in 2016 CEC was among finalists for two nominations – Engagement of Minorities and Citizens’ Engagement and won in the nomination -- Engagement of Minorities.