Training Programs

Civic and Voter Education Programs


Certification Exam of Election Administration Officials


Proactive Partnership with Stakeholders

Training for the Members of District Election Commissions

According to the Concept of Trainings designed for the May 22, 2016 Interim City Council Elections, from April 16 through April 19 trainings are held for the members of Gldani N 10, Gardabani N 21, Kaspi N 30, Tskaltubo N 58, Ozurgeti N 60, Khobi N 66 and Zugdidi District Election Commissions.

The training envisages training of full composition of district election commissions, in the process of which the following key training modules will be covered:

  • activities of district election commissions during the pre-election period;
  • registration of electoral stakeholders;
  • receiving electoral documentation at district election commissions, summarizing polling results;
  • the rule of filing and review of applications/complaints;
  • The first session of district election commission and instruction for the first session (episodic staging).

Employees of the Training Center will deliver the trainings.

See the schedule