Training Programs

Civic and Voter Education Programs


Certification Exam of Election Administration Officials


Proactive Partnership with Stakeholders

The training has been launched for the members of Sagarejo N 11 and Martvili N 65 district election commissions

According to the Training Concept developed for the October 31, 2015 Interim Parliamentary elections, stage 1 of the trainings was launched on September 28 for the members of Sagarejo N 11 and Martvili N 65 district election commissions.

Stage 1 is dedicated to the training of full composition of district election commissions as part of which the following main training modules will be covered:

  • activities of district election commissions during the pre-election period;
  • registration of electoral stakeholders;
  • receiving electoral documentation at district election commission, summarizing polling results;
  • the rule of filing applications/complaints and rule for their review;
  • First session of the precinct election commission and instruction for the first session (episodic staging).

Training Center employees will deliver the trainings.

Second stage of trainings of members of district election commissions will be conducted on October 22-23.
