Ended the trainers’ training organized for the By-Elections of the Parliament of Georgia 2013
Under the auspices of the Central Election Commission of Georgia, the Center of Electoral Systems Development, Reforms and Trainings, under the UNDP project “Credible and Sustainable Electoral Institutions and Processes”, on March 7 – 8, 2013, in Bazaleti conducted the training program, within 8 trainers were prepared.
Trainers prepared by the Training Centre will provide the trainings of PEC members included in the districts of Nadzaladevi N 9, Baghdati N 52 and Samtredia N 54 on the issues related to the Election Law of Georgia:
- Composition and work procedures of PEC
- PEC activity in the pre-election period
- PEC activity on the Election Day (including simulation of Election Day and filling the voting protocol)
- Applications /complaints