Considering the professional development policy of the Election Administration staff, Central Election Commission (CEC) and Centre for Electoral Systems Development, Reforms and Training (Training Centre) are implementing an orientation-training program for the newly elected/appointed employees of Election Administration.
On October 31, 2022 orientation training was conducted for 7 employees from 6 District Election Commissions (N18 Akhmeta District Election Commission; N26 Tetritskaro District Election Commission; N45 Tsageri District Election Commission; N63 Abasha District Election Commission; N79 Batumi District Election Commission; N84 Khulo District Election Commission).
In the framework of orientation training course on “Election Administration and Election Procedures”, the Training Center employee discussed the following key issues with the participants: historical excurse of elections and elective state bodies in Georgia; guidelines and legal framework for democratic elections; structure of Election Administration, the rule of work determined by the regulations of the District Election Commission; important aspects of regulations determined by the order of CEC Chairperson N01-85 of May 23, 2022 regarding the sexual harassment prevention and response mechanisms; the practice of using election technologies in the election process in Georgia. the representative of the CEC Human Resources Management and Workforce Security Department introduced the participants to the Central Election Commission structure and internal normative acts (internal regulations).
Orientation-training programs promote the successful completion of the socialization process of newly appointed/elected employees, develop a corporate attitude and create a basis for achieving positive results in the professional activities of the employee.