The CEC Announces A Competition For Ideas On Innovative-Technological Projects
The Central Election Commission (CEC) announces a competition for ideas on innovative - technological projects for the purpose to inform the voters.
Citizens of Georgia aged between 18-35 can participate in the competition. The idea presented by the applicant shall meet the following requirements:
- Be innovative;
- Focused on voter information;
- Be feasible/doable;
- The implementation of the idea should not deviate from the mandate of the Election Administration;
- Be user-friendly and accessible.
Those wishing to participate in the competition should send a letter of motivation (no more than 500 words, which should indicate the future idea, its essence, a description of its compliance with the above requirements and expected results, estimated budget for budget implementation, as well as a brief description of the contestant's skills/abilities that will contribute to his/her effective involvement in the working group) and Curriculum Vitae (CV) to the following e-mail address - from September 19 to September 30, 2022.
At the first stage of the competition, the contestants will be selected based on the applications submitted by the applicants. In the second stage, the selected contestants will be formed into working groups, where ideas will be reconciled and formed in the working format, after which the winning person/group will be announced. The competition of ideas also envisages the participation of persons with disabilities, ethnic minorities, and representatives of the field of information technology (IT).
The winning person/group in the competition of ideas will be given a financial award and a paid gift.
During the mentioned competition, the EA will be guided by the principles of publicity, objectivity, justice, transparency, equality, and accuracy.
The Central Election Commission implements the competition of ideas on innovative technological projects with the support of the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) through United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
For additional information, you should contact us on the following phone number: 2 51 00 51.