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Presentation Of Strategic Plan Of Human Resources Management At CEC

The presentation of the strategic plan of Human Resources Management was held at the Central Election Commission (CEC). Giorgi Kalandarishvili, CEC chair opened the meeting. The chair discussed the importance of human resources management policy and relevant strategic plan. According to him, in case of implementation of legislative amendments, it will be necessary to introduce gradually and effectively the innovations and modern technologies into the work of election administration which requires mobilization and strengthening of human, financial and other resources including implementation of training and information campaigns.

“Of course, electoral culture and education, electoral integrity and security, development of the inclusive electoral environment, management efficiency, and institutional strengthening, remain a strategic priority, though, the key driving force for all mentioned directions in the coming years will be digitalization. Implementation of priorities without human resources and management of resources without systemic policy and appropriate planning is impossible, while they will significantly contribute to the growth of management efficiency and institutional strengthening. One of the tools for achieving this goal is the development of a strategic plan for human resources management. I hope that it will be a roadmap for both the department and for the entire CEC office, and by implementing it, we jointly will support institutional development and success”, Giorgi Kalandarishvili added. 

Lali Kiknadze, Head (acting) of the Human Resources Management and Workforce Security Department, introduced the strategic plan to the participants of the event and talked about the main directions of the document and ways of implementation. According to her, the document defined five strategic goals of human resources management for 2022-2023, including the establishment of an organizational structure focused on achieving the goals of the election administration; continuous control/improvement of management efficiency and quality; establishing/modernizing an effective human resources management system; development of working environment and organizational culture.

The presentation of the document was held on September 8 and officials of the CEC, its Training Centre, as well as employees, attended the event.