Information on trainings of the Election Administration offiicials for the By-Elections of the Parliament of Georgia 2013
Under the auspices of the Central Election Commission of Georgia, in cooperation with the Center of Electoral Systems Development, Reforms and Trainings and the UNDP project “Credible and Sustainable Electoral Institutions and Processes” shall accomplish the training program for PEC and DEC members.
Trainers trained by the Center shall provide trainings of Election Administration, which will be facilitated by the Training Center staff (2 facilitators and 8 trainers, which were selected from personnel base of EA, under the agreement concluded between the Training Center and UNDP project).
Training consists of two days, 7-8 March, 2013, Bazaleti.
Training stages of Election Administration Officials:
Training course of DEC members shall be accomplished in two stages:
I stage - discussing of election legislation news and competence of PEC:
- Composition and agenda of DEC
- Pre-election activities of DEC
- Voters list
- Registration of election participants
II stage – Introduction of PEC and DEC activities in pre and post election periods:
- Opening of polling station and voting process
- Closing of polling station and summing up of voting results
- Receiving and sorting of election documentations in DEC
- Summing up of voting results in DEC
- Submitting and reviewing rules of applications/claims;
Accomplishment period for training of DEC members: 15-20 March, 2013
Training course of PEC members consists of four stages:
I stage – training of full composition (13 members) of PEC, following modules will be discussed:
- Composition and agenda of PEC
- Pre-election activities of PEC
- PEC activities on the day of voting (including, filling of conclusive report)
II stage – Training of the Chairman, deputy chairman and Commission Secretary of PEC, following modules will be discussed:
- Voters list
- Authorities of the Head of PEC
- Claims/applications of the voting day
III stage - training of full composition (13 members) of PEC, following modules will be discussed:
- PEC activities on the day of voting
- Simulating of voting day (including, filling of conclusive report)
IV stage – Additional practical training of chairmen and secretaries of PECs by DECs, regarding filling of the conclusive report.
Accomplishment period for training of PEC members: 12-22 March, 2013
Specific date, time and venue for the accomplishment of trainings for the Election Administration Officials shall be specified in schedules, which will be published on the Center website upon the beginning of the relevant training stage (accomplishment of trainings is planned in educational institutions and stations mainly).
Training methodology and training materials for the Election Administration officials, including training of EA officials shall be carried out via combined methods:
- E-learning (screening of documentary about voting process prepared by the CEC; e-program elaborated by the Training enter, which provides maximum awareness of the EA administrations via visual and schematic effects regarding election legislation. For supervising involvement of participants in training and quality of received information, e-learning is based on intensive usage of interactive method, which is very effective for reaching successful results (after the end of each module, questionnaires corresponding to the passed module are presented. Only correct answers give the chance to pass over the next module)).
- Verbal learning
- Practical training (practical exercises, including filling of conclusive report, tests, cases);
- Role plays (simulating of the first session of the PEC and voting day).
Central Election Commission and the Center prepared the following training materials for EA officials:
- Additional manual for facilitators and trainers
- Collection of practical exercise
- Additional guide for DEC members
- Additional guide for PEC members
- Smart memo instructions for PEC members - check-list (memos of Commission Chairman, commission secretary, registrar, flow sorter, supervisor of the box and special envelopes, commission members accompanying the mobile box).