Members of Election Commissions Passed Intensive Trainings for April 2, 2022 By-Elections of Georgian Parliament and Sakrebulo
A total of 421 training sessions were held within the framework of the program developed by the CEC Training Center for the retraining of PEC members for the April 2, 2022 by-elections:
For Parliamentary By-Elections of Georgia:
- 386 trainings (through the six stages) – oriented on the training for 117 PECs operating on the territory of N20 Rustavi and N21 Gardabani DECs;
- 4 trainings (through the one stage) - oriented on the training for the members of 4 special groups established to ensure the realization of electoral rights for voters temporarily residing in stationary-medical facilities and isolation operating on the territory of N20 Rustavi and N21 Gardabani DECs;
- 3 trainings (through the one stage) - oriented on the training for the members of the 3 PECs established in the Penitentiary Institutions operating on the territory of N20 Rustavi DEC.
For Sakrebulo By-Elections:
- 28 trainings (through the two stage) - oriented on the training of 14 PECs operating on the territory of N79 Batumi DEC (pilot project will be implemented using electronic technologies).
Based on the concept of trainings, the training of PECs’ members was carried out through profile program. Emphasis was placed on practical training methodology: to promote the development of professional knowledge and practical skills, the PECs’ members performed the functions to be implemented on the polling day in the format of episodic staging. In addition, election commision head officials worked intensively on the technique of drawing up the summary protocol of the polling results. 25 trainers trained by the Training Centre delivered the trainings.
According to the attendance statistics of PECs’ members, the figures are as follows:
Members of 117 PECs operating on the teritory of N20 Rustavi and N21 Gardabani DECs attended the Trainings |
I stage - 942 members (48%); II stage - 326 members (56%); III stage - 316 members (34%); IV stage - 273 members (78%); V stage - 825 members (44%); VI stage - 218 members (62%). |
Members of 4 special groups established to ensure the realization of electoral rights for voters temporarily residing in stationary-medical facilities and isolation operating on the teritory of N20 Rustavi and N21 Gardabani DECs attended the Trainings |
I stage - 36 members (64%) |
Members of PECs established to ensure the realization of electoral rights for voters being in Penitentiary Institutions operating on the teritory of N20 Rustavi DEC attended the Trainings |
I stage - 30 members (67%) |
Members of 14 PECs operating on the teritory of N79 Batumi DEC attended the Trainings |
I stage - 152 members (66%); II stage - 198 members (83%). |
The trainings were conducted in compliance with all recommendations related to the pandemic:
Prior to the start of each training session, participants underwent a rapid test at 25 training locations, in cooperation with the Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Defence of Georgia.
In order to inform the PECs’ members and to promote the effective management of their ctivities, the following was elaborated:
- E-training program “Techniques of Drawing up Summary Protocol of Polling Day” (in order to ensure additional practice on drawing up summary protocols, the PECs’ head officials were provided with an access to computer technique in the relevant spaces of DEC buildings. The resource was elaborated in cooperation among the CEC, the Training Centre and International Foundation of Electoral Systems (IFES));
- Variety of informational-training resources (For the purpose of promoting an inclusive electoral environment, in cooperation with the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), guidelines and memorables for precinct election commissions, as well as posters intended for the voters were translated into Azerbaijani language for the districts densely populated with ethnic minorities for the By-Elections of the Parliament of Georgia.
For the April 2, 2022 By-Elections the CEC Training Center held informational-training meetings with members of N20 Rustavi, N21 Gardabani and N79 Batumi DECs. The activities to be carried out within the mandate were discussed in detail, including the issues of communication-coordination with the PECs. Representatives of the Training Center and the international company “Smartmatic” additionally briefed the members of Batumi DEC on the rules of operation the electronic technologies (voter verification apparatus and the electronic vote-counting machine).
The programs intended to support raising of PECs’ members qualification, reflect the recommendations from the observer organizations’ reports and are aimed at increasing election commissions’ work efficacy for April 2, 2022 elections, as well as improving services for the voters and electoral stakeholders.