Training for Election Commissions are Held to Carry Out the Polling Process by Using Technologies in Batumi Municipality for Sakrebulo By-Elections
For the By-Elections of Batumi Municipality Representative Body - Sakrebulo several electoral procedures at the polling stations will be carried out by using electronic technologies.
The Training Center has developed a special training program for the professional training of the election commissions’ members on the technical and organizational/procedural issues of the use of voter verification apparatus and the electronic vote-counting machines during the voting process.
On March 20, At the informational-training meeting hold in Batumi, representatives of the CEC Training Center and the international company “Smartmatic” briefed the members of the DECs and the EA representatives on the rules of operation of the devices to be used within the pilot project.
The training center also provided training for EA trainers, who, within the framework of the relevant training program, will introduce technological innovations and procedures to the members of 14 PECs operating within the territory of the N79 Batumi DEC in order to provide better service for the electorate:
- opening of a polling station and activities to be carried out before the start of voting;
- conducting the voting process in accordance with the functions assigned to the PEC members by a lot;
- protection of voters’ personal data during the voting process;
- closing of the polling station and the process of counting the ballot papers (including video recording of the vote counting process);
- working on the practice of using the technologies provided in the process of opening the polling station, the voting process and the closing of the polling station;
- drawing up a summary protocol of the voting results;
- polling day applications/complaints and responding to them;
- regulations for photo-video shooting in the polling station on polling day.
Trainings for the PECs members will be delivered through the period of March 27-29. Schedule is available at the link (in Georgian). In case of any changes, the information will be reflected immediately.