Training Programs

Civic and Voter Education Programs


Certification Exam of Election Administration Officials


Proactive Partnership with Stakeholders

Training for the Special Groups and Members of PECs Established in Order to Ensure the Realization of Electoral Rights of Voters Being in Stationary-Medical Facilities and Penitentiary Institutions

The CEC Training Center has trained 117 members of PECs operating in the N20 Rustavi and N21 Gardabani DECs for the By-Elections of the Parliament of Georgia within the framework of the intensive training program. In addition, a special training program was developed for members of special groups and PECs established in order to ensure the participation of voters being in stationary-medical facilities and in penitentiary institutions in the By-Elections.

According to the concept, members of special groups and PECs will undergo one-stage training, during which they will receive information on the following key issues:

  • opening of the polling station and procedures to be carried out before the start of voting;
  • legal status of observers, election subjects/media representatives;
  • conducting the voting process in accordance with the functions assigned to the PEC members by casting lots;
  • protection of voter’s personal data during the voting process;
  • closing the polling station and sorting/counting/sealing the ballot papers;
  • drawing up a summary protocol of the voting results;
  • polling day applications/complaints and responding to them;
  • regulations for photo-video shooting in the polling station on polling day.

The training will be based on practical teaching, including the performance of various thematic exercises and episodic stagings in accordance with the functions to be performed on polling day. In addition, the heads of special groups/ PECs will undergo practical training on the technique of compiling a summary protocol of the voting results.

The trainings will be provided by the trainers retrained by the Training Center, who received instruction in a special training program, in online format, on March 25.

A total of four special groups for voters being in stationary-medical facilities on the territory of N20 Rustavi and N21 Gardabani district, also, the three PECs established in the penitentiary institutions on the territory of N20 Rustavi DEC will pass the relevant trainings on March 26. Detailed schedules are available at the links:

In case of any changes, the information will be reflected immediately.