Training Programs

Civic and Voter Education Programs


Certification Exam of Election Administration Officials


Proactive Partnership with Stakeholders

Training for the Members of Precinct Election Commissions for the Parliamentary By- Elections are Underway (IV Stage)

According to the training concept elaborated by the Training Centre for April 2, 2022 Parliamentary By-Elections, IV stage trainings for PECs members will be implemented through the period of March 16 - 17, which is dedicated to the profile re-training of 117 PECs’ head officials operating in N20 Rustavi DEC and N21 Gardabani DEC.

As part of the intensive training program, PECs’ chairpersons, deputy chairperson and secretaries will receive information on the following key issues within their competence:

  • communication-coordination with the DEC (election documentation/inventory to be accepted for the election day; arranging of polling place; compiling the list of mobile ballot box);
  • organizational/supervisory functions of PEC head officials on the polling day during the process of opening the polling station, polling, closing of the polling station and the counting-summarizing of votes (among them, video fixation rule of the vote counting process);
  • rule of voting by voters (including the principle of expressing free will and secrecy of vote);
  • measures to ensure the compliance with the epidemiological protocol at the polling station.

To promote the development of professional knowledge and practical skills, within the framework of the training program, the PECs’ members will perform the functions to be implemented on the polling day in the format of episodic staging. In addition, the intensive practical training is envisaged on the technique of drawing up the summary protocol of the polling results.

Trainers trained by the Training Centre will deliver IV stage trainings for PECs members for the Parliamentary By-Elections. Detailed schedule is available at the link (in Georgian). In case of any changes, the information will be reflected immediately.

III stage trainings for PEC members for Parliamentary By-Elections were conducted through the period of March 13 - 14, 2022. 316 members of 117 PECs participated in it. detailed statistic is available at the link.