Trainings for the Precinct Election Commissions Members for By-Elections are launched (I Stage)
On February 28, 2022 Trainings for the Precinct Election Commissions Members are launched for April 2, By-Elections.
According to the concept, elaborated by the Training Centre, profile trainings for By-Elections of Georgian Parliament will be held in 7 stages. The training course will be held with a different program for Batumi Sakrebulo By-Elections, namely the PEC members will be additionally trained on the use of electronic technologies in the voting process.
I stage trainings are dedicated to the training of PEC full composition. Participants will receive information on the following key issues within their competence:
- basic principles of holding democratic elections and the importance of the role of precinct election commission members in ensuring them, mandate within the ethical and legal framework;
- the working regime of the precinct election commission and the authorities defined by the regulations; grounds for imposing disciplinary liability;
- coordination/communication of precinct election commissions with the district election commissions (including organizational-logistical issues);
- activities of the precinct election commission in the period up to the polling day (including the issue of inclusion of voters in the special list of the adapted polling station);
- measures to be taken to ensure the observance of sanitary-hygienic requirements in the building of the precinct election commission to prevent the spread of infection (COVID-19) caused by the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2)
Trainings will be delivered by 25 trainers re-trained by the Training Center (including members of district election commissions, involved in the project as trainers).
The training process will be conducted in compliance with all recommendations related to the pandemic. Within the framework of cooperation with the Ministry of Health of Georgia, participants will be provided with the rapid test at the training venues. Admission to the training will be based on a negative test result.
I stage trainings will be held through the period of February 28 to March 1. The schedule is available at the link (available in Georgian). In case of any changes, the information will be reflected immediately.