Information on Training of EA officials for Parliament Elections of October 1, 2012
Under the auspices of the Central Election Commission of Georgia, in cooperation with the Center of Electoral Systems Development, Reforms and Trainings and the UNDP project “Credible and Sustainable. Electoral Institutions and Processes” carry out training program for the members of DECs and PECs.
Facilitators and trainers prepared by the Training Center shall provide trainings of Election Administration officials.
Corps of facilitators and trainers was selected from the staff base of election administration and via open competition (26 facilitators and 174 trainers).
Training stages of EA officials
There will be two stages of training program for DEC members.
I stage was dedicated to discussion of legislation novelties and issues within the competence of DEC:
- Composition and working regimen of DEC
- Activities of District Election Commission during pre-election period
- Lists of voters
- Registration of election process participants
II stage was dedicated to introduction of activities of district election commission and precinct election commission on voting day and post voting period:
- Opening of polling station and voting process
- Closing of polling station, summing up of voting results
- Receiving and sorting of election documentations at district election commission
- Summing up of voting results at district election commission
- Submitting and reviewing rules for application/claims
Duration of training of DEC members: August 12-15, 2012
There are three stages for training course of PEC members:
I stage was dedicated to training of full composition (13 members) of precinct election commission, training modules:
- Composition and working regimen of PEC
- Activities of precinct election commission during pre-election period
- Activities of precinct election commission on the day of voting.
Accomplishment period: 17-26 August, 2012
II stage was dedicated to training of PEC chairman, deputy chairman and secretary, training modules are the following:
- Lists of voters
- authorities of management of PEC
- Application/claims on the day of voting.
Accomplishment period: 3-9 September, 2012
III stage will be dedicated to training of full composition (13 members) of precinct election commission, training modules:
- Activities of precinct election commission on the day of voting.
- simulating of voting day
Accomplishment period: 11-27 September, 2012
Specific date, time and venue for trainings of the members of PEC will be listed in schedules, which will be placed on the website of the Center, before starting of corresponding stage (trainings are to be held at educational institutions and precincts).
Methodology and training materials for trainings of EA officials
Mixed methods will be used for trainings of EA officials:
- e-learning (visualized e-program is used)
- Verbal teaching
- Practical teaching (practical exercise, tests, situational casuses)
- Role plays (simulating of first session of PEC and voting day
CEC and the Center prepared the following materials for election administration officials:
- Additional manual for facilitators and trainer
- Book of practical exercises
- Additional guideline for PEC members
- Additional guideline for PEC members
- Short memo instructions for PEC members – check-list (memos for commission chairman, commission secretary, registrar, flow arranger, supervisor of the box and special envelopes, commission members accompanying mobile voting box).
Training materials were translated and published on languages of ethnic minorities through support of the organizations - USAID, IFES, UNAG, (Azerbaijani, Armenian, Russian). Guidelines for international observers were translated into English language.
Educational materials are placed on e-library of the Center website.