Election Administration Joined the Event to Combat the COVID-19
The Central Election Commission (CEC) of Georgia, District Election Commissions (DEC) and the CEC Training Centre joined the solidarity event to combat the new coronavirus. Election Administration (EA) employees collected the sum (amounted to 26 000 GEL) from their own salaries and transferred it to the StopCoV fund on behalf of the Election Administration.
To contribute to the implementation of various events caused by the new coronavirus pandemic, the Election Administration representatives, considering the high social responsibility, on their will transferred the part of their personal financial income (salary) to the fund established against the coronavirus.
StopCov fund was created in coordination with the Business Ombudsman’s Office and the private sector to combat the COVID-19. The sum accumulated at StopCov fund, within the frames of the platform created by the initiative of the Prime Minister, in coordination Business Ombudsman’s Office and the private sector will meet the identified needs.
The Election Administration periodically implements various types of aid events and will be actively involved in charity or social events.