Training Programs

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Certification Exam of Election Administration Officials


Proactive Partnership with Stakeholders

Public Action “Find Yourself, Find Your Election Precinct”

Public action “Find Yourself, Find Your Election Precinct” is launched. Employees of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of Georgia and the CEC Training Center are offering the citizens to verify their personal data in the unified list of voters and providing them with the information on 2018 Presidential Election, activities of Election Administration and their electoral rights. “Find yourself, find your election precinct” is being carried out within the information campaign “Talk to Voters”, and the members of all 73 election districts along with the volunteers will join the campaign in the nearest days. They will gradually meet the citizens throughout the country and deliver information on how to verify their and their family members’ data in the unified list of voters and distribute the information cards as well.

This is the third year, the Election Administration suggests the voters to verify their personal data in the unified list of voters’ through use of innovative services (CEC webpage, mobile applications, gadgets, quick payment terminals). About two million citizens used the above-mentioned service.

The Central Election Commission reminds citizens that the deadline for requesting amendments to the unified list of voters is October 10.

The first stage of the information campaign “Talk to Voters” was launched at the beginning of the year: members of District Election Commissions along with the volunteers met with the voters at public gathering places and delivered information on their voting rights, electoral processes, history of elections and DEC duties and responsibilities. Within the frames of the campaign, meetings with voters and electoral stakeholders were conducted at the DECs.

Information campaign “Talk to Voters” serves more effective and direct communication with the voter, that supports informing citizens on their electoral rights, and also those services which are suggested by the Election Administration to ensure their participation in elections and exercise their citizen’s right in accessible environment.