Training for the CEC Information/Call Center Operators (Stage 1)
The Training Center, for October 28, 2018 Presidential Elections, has commenced the implementation of training courses for the CEC Information/Call Center operators.
The goal of the above-mentioned training course is to enhance qualification of the CEC Information/Call Center operators, to ensure that they provide exhaustive information around elections related matters to interested individuals.
On September 2, 2018, 1st stage of the trainings was conducted, as part of which Information/Call Center operators were familiarized with the following important issues:
- The status, system and composition of Georgian Election Administration;
- Main principles of performance of Election Administration officers;
- Appointing election commission members by parties;
- Powers of CEC, DECs and PECs;
- Normative acts of Election Administration;
- Right to participate in Presidential Elections of Georgia;
- Nominating/registration of candidates;
- Activity guarantees of presidential candidates and their representatives;
- Establish the results of elections.
The training was held in the question and answer mode, participants gained exhaustive information about issues of interest to them. The trainings will be conducted in three stages.