Training/Awareness-Raising Materials Developed for the Presidential Elections, October 28, 2018
To support effective work of electoral stakeholders and members of election commissions, the Training Center has developed relevant training and awareness-raising visual materials.
To ensure access to training materials, the Training Center in cooperation with the CEC and International Foundation of Electoral Systems (IFES) translated the materials to minority languages.
In order to inform local observer organizations’ representatives around election issues the Training Centre also provided the translation of guidlines elaborarted for October 28, 2018 elections to English.
- Guidelines for the Members of district Election Commissions (GEO);
- Guidelines for the Members of district Election Commissions (ENG);
- Guidelines for the Members of Precinct Election Commissions (GEO);
- Guidelines for the Members of Precinct Election Commissions (ENG);
- Guidelines for the Members of Precinct Election Commissions (AZR);
- Guidelines for the Members of Precinct Election Commissions (ARM);
- Guidelines for Election Day Procedures (GEO);
- Guidelines for Election Day Procedures (ENG);
- Guideline for PEC Chairperson (GEO);
- Guideline for PEC Chairperson (AZR);
- Guideline for PEC Chairperson (ARM);
- Authorities of PEC Secretary on Polling Day (GEO);
- Authorities of PEC Secretary on Polling Day (AZR);
- Authorities of PEC Secretary on Polling Day (ARM);
- Functions of PEC Member Acting as the Regulating the Flow of Voters (GEO);
- Functions of PEC Member Acting as the Regulating the Flow of Voters (AZR);
- Functions of PEC Member Acting as the Regulating the Flow of Voters (ARM);
- Functions of PEC Member Acting as the Registrar of Voters (GEO);
- Functions of PEC Member Acting as the Registrar of Voters (AZR);
- Functions of PEC Member Acting as the Registrar of Voters (ARM);
- Functions of PEC Member Acting as the Supervisor of Ballot Box and Special Envelopes (GEO);
- Functions of PEC Member Acting as the Supervisor of Ballot Box and Special Envelopes (AZR);
- Functions of PEC Member Acting as the Supervisor of Ballot Box and Special Envelopes (ARM);
- Functions of PEC Member Responsible for Transporting the Mobile Ballot Box (GEO);
- Functions of PEC Member Responsible for Transporting the Mobile Ballot Box (AZR);
- Functions of PEC Member Responsible for Transporting the Mobile Ballot Box (ARM);
- The Guideline for the lawyers of local self-governments (GEO);
- The Guideline for the media representatives (GEO);
- Instruction Poster for Voters (GEO);
- Instruction Poster for Voters (GEO, AZR);
- Instruction Poster for Voters (GEO, ARM);
- Poster depicting sealing of election documentation (GEO);
- Poster depicting sealing of election documentation (GEO, AZR);
- Poster depicting sealing of election documentation (GEO, ARM);
- Training Module for PEC Members Security of Elections (GEO);
- Training Module for PEC Members Security of Elections (AZR);
- Training Module for PEC Members Security of Elections (ARM);
- Instruction for compliance the etiquette and conduct of the conversation with the voters with disabilities (GEO);
- Instruction for compliance the etiquette and conduct of the conversation with the voters with disabilities (AZR);
- Instruction for compliance the etiquette and conduct of the conversation with the voters with disabilities (ARM);
- Photo-video shooting at the polling station (GEO).