Training Programs

Civic and Voter Education Programs


Certification Exam of Election Administration Officials


Proactive Partnership with Stakeholders

Attendance Statistic for the First Stage Trainings of DECs Members – April 28, 2018 Parliamentary By-Elections

Name of the project: First stage of trainings for DEC members (I stage) - April 28, 2018 Parliamentary By-Elections

Aim of the project: training for DECs members

Target group: members of N 53 Vani and N55 Khoni DECs

Modules: activities of DECs during the pre-election period; first session of PECs and the rule of electing leadership (instruction for the first session (episodic role-play)); registration of electoral stakeholders; summarizing the results of polling and elections at DECs; The rule of filing and review of applications/complaints at DECs

Period of implementation: March 24, 2018

Place of implementation: N54 majoritarian DEC

Statistics: 23 members of 2 DECs passed the training, among them men – 10, women – 13 (detailed statistic is available in Georgian)

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