Training Programs

Civic and Voter Education Programs


Certification Exam of Election Administration Officials


Proactive Partnership with Stakeholders

Trainings of District Election Commission Members for April 28, 2018 Parliamentary By-Elections (I stage)

In accordance with the training conception elaborated for April 28, 2018 Parliamentary By-Elections in №54 Majoritarian Election District, first stage of the trainings for the №55 Khoni and №53 Vani DECs will be conducted on March 24.

The training course will be conducted by the employees of the Training Centre. The training is intended for the full composition of DECs and comprises the following modules:

  • DEC activities during pre-election period;
  • First session of PEC and appointment of head officers (instructions for the first session (episodic staging));
  • Registration of the participants of the election processes;
  • Summarizing polling and election results at the DEC;
  • Submission of applications/complaints in the DEC and the rules of consideration.

Schedules for the first stage of trainings (Available in Georgian).